Buyer's Handbook
During my first year in the industry, I exhibited a natural ability for real estate that resulted in such remarkable success that it caught the eye of Perennial Real Estate, who enlisted my services to add energy and sparkle to the legacy team. My expertise is evident in my inclusion among the Washingtonian list of D.C.?s Best Agents and my elite $30 million transaction volume by just my third full year in the business.A steady and respected local adviser, I feel strongly about working with integrity. My main objective is to act in my client?s best interests and reach their ultimate satisfaction, be it by negotiating the best contract terms or facilitating a relationship focused on the client?s long-term development. I work hard to ensure a smooth process for everyone. I have established myself as a professional who gets things done. Even so, I consistently work to expand my market knowledge so I can continue to deliver strong outcomes to more buyers and sellers.Understanding the importance of premium customer service, I remain available to my clients from the first meeting to signing closing papers and beyond. My passion for helping them accomplish their goals continues long after the deal closes. As I do during the process, I make m available to answer any questions or ease any concerns my clients may be experiencing. I was born in Jerusalem and worked as a pastry chef and a soldier before becoming a real estate agent. Though some might view my background as eclectic, my clientele can attest to the attributes that weave throughout my professional experience: trust, knowledge, responsiveness, and an unbreakable commitment to success.FirstGALI SAPIRPARTNER, PERENNIAL REAL ESTATE202-669-4683gali@perennialdm v.comLicensed in DC, MD, VAand Foremost
I love challenges! From the beginning of m y real estate career, it was critically im portant to m e to be willing and able to work with anyone, Any type of buyer, and all types of properties. The experience I?ve gained in each field and the num ber of hom es I sell have m ade m e knowledgeable in so m any types of real estate, and I know exactly what answers, resources, and inform ation to provide you.During m y tim e in real estate, I have surrounded m yself with great resources and friends in every area I work in ? from county/city perm itting departm ents to contractors, architects, attorneys, and others ? to ensure tim ely responses and estim ates and to prevent any surprises for you later. You m ay not need even half of the resources listed below, but it?s im portant for m e to share m y (and others?!) expertise to assure you that in each of these fields, I have built a strong knowledge base for you to call upon, all with the aim of ensuring you have the best advice available right now!A 'General Practitioner' of Real EstateRESIDENTIAL ? This is m y m ain real estate practice. I conduct over 75 hom e inspections and write at least as m any contract offers each year. As a result, I am proud to say that I have m ore fam iliarity with property condition and contractual issues ? along with the cost of hom e repairs ? than the vast m ajority of m y com petitors. Writing contracts as frequently as I do helps m e stay inform ed and up-to-date. I also teach m y agents about contracts weekly to ensure they m aintain our high standards. I am proud to say that no one can challenge m e on contractual knowledge. I believe that the stronger agent in a transaction is the one with deeper contract knowledge, often gained through experience and a large volum e of transactions, Few can m atch m e on these m easures.
CONDOS ? When buying a condo, it?s im portant to understand the rules and regulations of the m anagem ent and the board. Often, condos face financial difficulties, upcom ing increases or special assessm ents, low reserve funds, or hom eowners behind on paym ents. You should also be aware of the percentage of investors versus hom eowners in the building.TOW N HOMES ? It?s im portant to understand HOA rules and ensure the seller is not in violation of them . Som etim es these violations are hidden, especially if the hom eowner has recently worked on the hom e, FIXER UPPER/MAJOR RENOVATION ? Approxim ately 10% of m y yearly volum e involves fixer-uppers and new construction. I work closely with 3-5 builders, buying and selling hom es that need m ajor renovations or rebuilding. This experience has m ade m e knowledgeable about the condition and renovation costs of these properties. I can help you determ ine whether a m ajor renovation is right for you. However, 20% of the hom es you see m ay fall into this category.FLIPPED HOMES ? A hom e that has been flipped by a builder and is now being sold to you m ight seem like a great deal, but be cautious. Approxim ately 60% of flipped hom es will have problem s within the first year. With m y preferred inspector (specializing in flipped hom es), I will ensure you are aware of the quality of the build, the associated risks, and m ost im portantly, the history and perm itting.VACANT LOTS ? I have sold several lots, which has given m e extensive knowledge about im pact taxes, well and septic system s, utility connections, front foot fees, and other requirem ents for vacant lots. I will assist you with everything you need to know and provide resources to ensure a sm ooth process.COMMERCIAL ? I handle a significant num ber of sm all com m ercial deals, which has helped m e gain expertise in m ulti-fam ily units, investm ents, and their financing.SHORT SALE/AUCTION/FORECLOSURE ? These can be long, stressful, and challenging processes, but they can also offer good prices. Based on m y experience, I can advise you on the process and set realistic expectations.
1. CONDUCT A NEEDS ANALYSISI will leverage expertise, local m arket knowledge, and key partnerships with top industry professionals to ease you through the journey of finding your dream hom e. At this stage, I will gather the critical data we need to com m ence our search.2. FINANCINGIf you need financing, With m y network of vetted lenders and financial experts I will help you choose the best option and get preapproved. I will also help you determ ine exactly what hom e and down paym ent you can afford. All of this preparation will solidify your position as a serious m arket contender.3. SHOP FOR A HOMEI will create a wish list that details what you desire in your new residence and com m unity. During this process, we?ll determ ine your m ust-haves and nice-to-haves, take inventory of everything you?re seeking, and order it all by priority. Then, we?ll find properties that check all the m ust-have boxes within your budget and begin scheduling showings. to Buying a Home
Once you?ve found a property that m eets your standards, I will help you form ulate a fair, data-driven offer based on an in-depth m arket analysis and draw up a purchase agreem ent. Then, I will use m y proven negotiation skills to guide you through contingencies, m aking sure you don?t spend any m ore m oney than necessary. In a com petitive m arket, it?s not uncom m on to be com peting with other potential buyers, but I have a strong record of getting m y buyers? offers accepted. Should things not work out, I will be ready with a gam e plan for our next offer.4. MAKE AN OFFER AND NEGOTIATEOnce your offer is accepted, I will reccom end an independent licensed inspector to thoroughly investigate the condition of the hom e. An inspection is your best insurance, since inspectors are trained to detect issues that m ay not be apparent during a walk-through. It can also be a powerful negotiating tool if any problem s are uncovered. If issues arise, I will work with you to develop a strategy on how best to proceed.5. CONDUCT A PROPERTY INSPECTIONThis part can get com plicated. An im m ense am ount of paperwork changes hands, and all the details are put into place. I will experienced at m anaging the crucial final stages of loan approval, and I will shield you from overwhelm by regularly m onitoring the progress of your transaction and keeping you inform ed about any funds that m ight be expected from you. I will also work with your lender to m ake sure all the necessary paperwork is com plete as we m ove steadily toward a stress-free closing.6. GET FINAL FINANCING APPROVALA few days before the sale is finalized, I will conduct a final walk-through. Then, both you and the seller will sign closing statem ents, and the keys will be yours. It?s tim e to celebrate!7. CLOSE AND, CELEBRATE!
My Experience with Financing ? I have extensive experience with various financing options and understand the unique processes required to ensure each loan type closes sm oothly and successfully. I assure you of consistent lender follow-up and m anagem ent, so no im portant deadlines are m issed, and you can have confidence that your purchase is progressing as planned. The choice of the right lender is based not only on their ability to provide the best rate and lowest fees but also on their reliability and efficiency. My recom m ended loan officers have consistently delivered error-free service over the past 5 years, and I will provide you with their details so you can com pare options with confidence.The LoanGLENN BENSONProcessProsperity MortgageGlenn.Benson@phm 494-3175JASON NADERFirst Hom e Mortgagejnader@firsthom 882-4830
You will have 7 days to shop for interest rates and choose am ong lenders, as long as they can perform according to the dates agreed upon in the contract.I want to highlight that m y lender recom m endations are based solely on m y experience with their perform ance. However, I am a ?team player? and am happy to work with any lender you choose.BEWAREThat big banks can be difficult to work with. They m ay be slow to respond, m iss deadlines, and cause unnecessary stress. Unlike Correspondent or Direct lenders, they typically operate only 9-5 and m ay not prioritize tim ely delivery. Often, you m ay be passed from one handler to another.-Be cautious with lenders based outside of the DMV area. Although they m ay be licensed in all 50 states, they m ay not be able to recom m end a local appraiser who understands the neighborhood you are purchasing in.PER THE CONTRACT-
- Research and Connect: Look into, research, and connect with other agents to find both on- and off-m arket opportunities for you. - Attendance: Show up to all appointm ents unless prior notice is given - in the event I cannot be onsite I will provide qualified coverage. - Honest Opinion: always give you m y honest and professional opinion based on m y experience regarding the condition, m arket, and resale potential of properties. - Presence at Inspection: be present at your hom e inspections and final walk-through inspection, unless prior notice is given - in the unlikely event that I am unable to attend, I will provide qualified coverage. - Market Analysis: Conduct m arket analysis and provide relevant com parables for any hom es we intend to m ake an offer on. - Research Assistance: Help with research on hom e inspectors, contractors, estim ates, and related m atters. - Availability: Answer calls 7 days a week and return calls in a tim ely m anner. - Contract Review: Review and explain the contract and all addenda. - Lender Follow-Up: Follow up with lenders on a weekly basis while under contract to ensure the transaction is progressing as planned. - Disclosures: Deliver disclosures, public record history, and unrecorded inform ation (if available). - Inspection Reports: Receive and review all property inspection reports, discuss them with the buyer, determ ine whether to request repairs or a credit from the seller, and assess any im pact on the sale or financing. - HOA/Condo Rules: Review and explain the im pact of HOA or condo association rules and financing. - Seller Com pliance: Ensure the seller com plies with hom e inspection addendum requirem ents. - Contractor Verification: Confirm that the contractor's license is valid and that all necessary perm its were obtained for renovated hom es, in accordance with state law.Addendum to Agency Agreement To ensure my service to you, I like to commit to some aspects of my service to you in writing. I will...
Real estate transactions are as individual as people. Luckily, When working with m e, and m y experienced team , we have a proven track record. Over the years, we?ve developed a proven and effective strategy to m ake sure you get the ideal property at the ideal price.Buyers determ ine the value of a hom e, not sellers. That m ay seem counterintuitive, especially in such a com petitive m arket ? but ultim ately, a hom e is only worth what som eone is willing to pay for it. Unfortunately, m any buyers end up overpaying because they operate from a position of desperation or fear.I believe in the power of negotiation, and we don?t want you to spend m ore than is necessary to secure your dream hom e. We also know that putting in an attractive offer is m ore com plicated than sim ply outbidding everyone else.As your agent I will work with you to explain all the variables that need to be considered in determ ining your offer price and will m ake sure you com e to the table with a strong, thoughtful proposal. As your agent I will also draft your offer and go over all the details ? such as financing, inspections, and contingencies ? with you.Writing an OfferNext, I will present your offer to the listing agent and sellers, and will quickly relay any updates or counteroffers to you. This will give you every opportunity to stay engaged with the process and negotiate effectively.As I go through negotiations, I will strategize an approach for m axim um leverage. Som e tim es, foe exam ple, agreeing to rem ove contingencies can help distinguish you from other potential buyers.The com petitiveness of this m arket often requires us to m ake offers on m ore than one hom e before we successfully close the right deal for you. Not winning an offer can be disappointing, but when m y clients lock in a successful purchase, I find that they alm ost always feel the hom e they end up with is the one they were m eant to have.-Gali
Closing ChecklistBEFORE YOU MOVE IN ONCE YOU'RE MOVED IN- If you plan to purchase a hom e warranty, do so before closing. - Fill out any additional paperwork your lender needs and send it to them . - Com plete paperwork for/respond to inquiries from your settlem ent and title com pany. - Plan your m ove: Hire m overs and schedule truck or storage pod rentals.- Go to your scheduled final walk-through to inspect the hom e (optional).- Paint and com plete other m ajor projects before your m ove-in date.- Cancel utilities at your current residence and turn on the utilities (electricity, gas, phone, cable, and internet service) at your new one. - Change any keyed locks (install new locks).- Update your m ailing address with the U.S. Postal Service. - Update your address with any com pany that regularly sends you deliveries (m ail-order pharm acy, m agazine subscriptions, m onthly m eal plans, etc.)- Register to vote, register your car, and update the address on your driver?s license.
You purchased a property ? but it isn?t truly a hom e until you put your personal touch on it. Once your pictures are on the walls, your furniture is in the room s, and space reflects your personality, you?ve set the stage for new m em ories to take shape.Long after the transactional part of your hom e purchase is com pleted, Gali rem ains present and available to help guide all aspects of owning and m aintaining your valuable investm ent. She has a vetted network of talented m overs, interior designers, general contractors, plum bers, electricians, painters, and flooring and tile specialists. You nam e a project; I know som eone who is renowned for their professionalism and skill. I also understand that your new hom e is part of a bigger picture ? one where you?re planning out your future, navigating big life changes, or looking for guidance on building wealth. If you ever need help with any of the above, I can connect you to established and trustworthy Staying in Touchprobate and estate attorneys, fam ily law attorneys, accountants, financial planners, insurance providers, and private bankers.I'm excited to see you create a beautiful life in your new hom e, and hope you?ll always rely on m e for all things real estate. It truly brings m e joy when m y buyers and sellers contact m e for advice or com e to us with questions. We hope to be here to support you for m any, m any years to com e.Our clients will tell you that once you?re part of the Perennial team , you?re on the team for life. That m eans that, when the tim e com es, we will be here to help you sell or rent your hom e, and we will be here when you decide to buy again.But for now, breathe deeply, settle in, and enjoy. You?ve earned this!
O ff M a r k et O ppor tuni ti es When I have a good sense of your criteria and if we are focusing on a specific area, I conduct deeper research and identify the agents m ost likely to have upcom ing hom es that m ight be a fit for you. Through this proactive approach, approxim ately 20% of m y buyer-side volum e consists of off-m arket or pre-MLS sales
Howard CountyBaltimoreWaldorf, MDManassas, MDFrederickFauquier County, VASeverna Park, Shady Side, MDDamascus, MDHerndon, VAAlexandria, VAMontgomery County, MDWashington DCS er vi ng O ur R egi on
My fiancé and I had a great first tim e hom e-buying expe-rience with Gali and Dan. We felt they were patient, help-ful, and honest with their opinions about different proper-ties. We were, at first, intim idated by the hom e- buying process, but they m ade it fun and approachable. Gali is al-ways ready and available to help and put in extra effort to m ake sure we got the best deal on our hom e! We can't thank them enough and highly recom m end Perennial Real Estate!.- Pam ela BarryWe were absolutely delighted by the exceptional service provided by from Perennial Real Estate. Being first-tim e hom ebuyers, we were nervous, but Gali guided us through every step of the process with expertise and pa-tience. Gali took the tim e to truly understand our needs and preferences, educating us through the different as-pects of each house we visited. The professionalism and helpfulness were unparalleled. They quickly answered our questions and calls and expertly negotiated on our behalf.Thanks to Gali and Perennial Real Estate, what could have been a stressful experience was instead a sm ooth and en-joyable journey. We are now settled into our dream hom e, and we owe it all to the outstanding service provided by Gali. We recom m end them to anyone in search of a dedi-cated, knowledgeable, and trustworthy real estate agent.- Nick Frym arkI recently sold and bought a house working with two of their realtors, Gali and Dan, and they were wonderful - caring, efficient, and knowledgeable. I highly recom m end Perennial!- Steven KleesClient Testimonials
I m et Gali at an open house in the Tacom a Park area of Maryland. I learned a lot from her everytim e she showed us a hom e and found her to be one the best realtors I have ever worked with. I retired from a hom e building business in FL years ago and I have worked with m any realtors over the years that didn't have half her integrity, knowledge, and passion. I wanted to cast a wide net and was open to properties with good rental potential and also fam ily hom es in areas with low traffic so m y child can play on a street like I grew up on. She really listens well and does not rush you into properties - but she will give you plenty of exam ples of how the m arket is m oving to m ake inform ative decisions. I would recom m end her, and I will be working with her in the future for m y next purchase. Excellent asset in the DMV. Thanks again- RJII don?t think I would?ve bought a place without the support that Gali and Dan gave m e. I was on the fence about continuing to rent or buy, and they guided m e to the best decision for m y personal situation. I never felt pressured and I really leaned on her for her expertise about the area as well as the m arket in general. She always m ade m e feel like I was a priority, she listened and reacted to the things that I asked for, and she was extrem ely responsive! I was a single m om trying to buy m y first place, and I found her and the Perennial team to be a fantastic network for m e. Not only did Gali show m e places and negotiate a great deal, but she connected m e with a wonderful lender, a great title com pany, and even a contractor who m ade the stressful process so m uch easier. I cannot recom m end Gali and Perennial highly enough!!!-Mary KateWe had a fantastic experience purchasing our first hom e with Gali. We reached out to her on the recom m endation of two separate friends and are so glad we did. She was incredibly knowledgeable and patient and we knew that, with her in our corner, we would find the right house at a good price - and we did! Gali skillfully negotiated a contract under asking for us. As first tim e hom ebuyers, we had a lot of questions and concerns and she was always quick to respond to texts. Gali is excellent at what she does and is a joy to work with. We will be enthusiastically recom m ending her to all- Mondona
PERENNIALDMV.COMGali SapirLicensed Realtor MD, VA & DCThe Finn Fam ily Group of Perennial Real Estategali@perennialDMV.com202-669-4683Information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed and should be independently verified. " Equal Housing Opportunity"Notes
PERENNIALDMV.COMGali SapirLicensed Realtor MD, VA & DCThe Finn Fam ily Group of Perennial Real Estategali@perennialDMV.com202-669-4683Information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed and should be independently verified. " Equal Housing Opportunity"Notes
PERENNIALDMV.COMGali SapirLicensed Realtor MD, VA & DCThe Finn Fam ily Group of Perennial Real Estategali@perennialDMV.com202-669-4683Information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed and should be independently verified. " Equal Housing Opportunity"